09 March 2010

Crepes. Stir Fry.

Breakfast crepes with raspberry wine reduction:
Stuffings: Lemon juice/sucanat sugar; peanut butter; cherry lime turbinado jam

Atsuage vegetable stir fry with sushi rice:
Stir fry: Atsuage, mini cucumbers, carrot, king oyster, red onion
Sauce: soy sauce, chalula, rice wine vinegar, mirin, hot sesame oil
Rice: nishiki, rice wine vinegar, simple syrup
Garnish: shiso, sriracha


  1. Breakfast crepes with raspberry wine reduction? Oh my heavens. Yummy. I just stumbled onto your blog because of your crepe entry. I'm trying to build some friendly dialogue on the subject at my site. Would you mind posting your favorite on the best crepe recipe in the world? You don't have to post the whole recipe. Your picture would say it all!

    Love your blog. Will stop by again. Thanks!

  2. Thank you Laura! I can't wait for my visitors (and especially my Dad who LOVES raspberries) to read that! Have a great day.

  3. You're welcome! I don't think the crepe image uploaded properly, but if you would like to use it you have my permission. Thanks again for the kind comments.

  4. Thank you! Just added it (resized it a bit). Lovely!


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